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STRIKING DOWN DEMOCRACY: How our Rights are Hijacked by Corporations in our Communities


STRIKING DOWN DEMOCRACY: How our Rights are Hijacked by Corporations in our Communities

Thursday, November 11, 2021 This Collaboration was sponsored by NCRN and Move to Amend.

Laws and regulations passed by local elected officials and citizen-driven ballot initiatives protecting or expanding the health, safety and/or welfare of residents, the environment, and "democracy" are increasingly overturned by state and federal elected officials and courts. Political, economic, social, environmental and psychological harms are the results. This anti-democratic preemption of local decisions is due to a culture and constitutional rules protecting property and profit over people and the planet.

Learn about this problem and solutions both from the bottom-up and top-down from two organizations that centralize creating authentic democracy and abolishing corporate constitutional rights.

Speakers: YouTube links for each speaker's presentation.

Chad Nicholson, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (Pennsylvania)

Susie Beiersdorfer, Ohio Community Rights Network

Debra Fant, Lincoln Country Community Rights (Oregon)

Jessica Munger, Program Director, Move to Amend

Michael Tucker, Los Angeles Move to Amend MTA articles and MTA website pages shared during the program:

Podcast hosted by several Move to Amend staffers: Agitated podcast


Support the work of MTA Our Move the 117th Congress to Amend Campaign seeks 100 Congressional cosponsors of the HJR48 by the end of the year. We're up to 87. If your Representative is not on the list AND you think (s)he should be AND you're willing to reach out with others in your district to make it happen, we can help. See the latest campaign news HERE. Email with the name of your Congressperson. **********

Is your organization one of the 623 Endorsing Organizations

supporting the work of MTA?

The Move To Amend Coalition locally and nationally works to create real democracy by ending the corrupting effects of undue corporate power through amending the United States Constitution to establish that:

  1. Only human beings, not corporations and other legal entities, are persons endowed with constitutional rights

  2. Money is not speech, and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech

If your organization, business, union, faith community, or local governmental organization would like to sign on as a supporter of this effort, click here to add your endorsement!


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