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The Oregon Community Rights Network

The mission of the ORCRN is to support and empower communities to secure local self-determination and self-governance rights, superior to corporate power, in order to protect fundamental rights, quality of life, the natural environment, public health, and safety.


Looking Ahead


Our 2020 goals are primarily focused on two activities. One is working with elected state representatives to support our Oregon State Constitutional Amendment. This proposed amendment empowers people and their local governments throughout the state with the authority to enact local laws protecting the rights of people, communities, and their natural environments at the municipal level. 

The amendment would specifically recognize the right of local community self-government in the Oregon Constitution’s Bill of Rights. If approved by the legislature it would be put on a ballot in 2021 for a vote of the people.

Our second goal is the creation of more rights-based chapters across Oregon. A strong movement across our state is necessary in order to change laws at the highest levels of both the State of Oregon and eventually, the U.S. Government. In order to achieve this goal, it is imperative to grow our base at the local level. 


Please consider joining us to learn more about what it might look like if we were truly governed by We the People instead of a minority of corporations.

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